Lions half million visitors for Euro-2012

Within the framework of Euro-2012 Lvov awaiting placement from 100 to 450 000 tourists from Europe, and in the government project of Euro-2012-Transport-Service and traffic control concepts, which are under the control of the city of Lviv.

"Of the total number of football fans who come to Europe in Lviv, Ukraine and CIS countries in the neighboring regions, 50% of EU citizens, while in other cities in eastern Ukraine, the height varies from 5 to 10% - News Agency - reported.

Euro-2012-Transport-Service and traffic control in the concept of establishing a high quality and effective management of the supply of vehicles, as well as with representatives of UEFA, fans and tourists. Concepts and principles for the coordination of all vehicles, to the championship.

"One of the main provisions of this movement is to encourage the use of public transport by 70-80%. Particular attention is drawn to electric vehicles. This leads to an improvement in the development of public transport in our town" - said Oleg Vilyura, head of the Administration Building and Agency for the development of infrastructure to the Government a draft concept.

According-Vilyura if in such areas as transportation, are under control. The theme of the projections, the number of football fans are expected to Lions for the championship.

Lviv transport concept must be approved by the Council of Ministers of Ukraine dated 10 June 2009 and the UEFA.

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